Weekly research highlights 4 September 2020

Weekly research highlights 4 September 2020

CB Insights and PwC latest report, “Q2 2020 MoneyTree”, presents an overview of venture capital fundings on a global scale. The main findings indicate that for US companies, venture capital deals see a quarterly increase, but fall down 18% YoY. Compared to Europe and North America, Asia sees an increase in deal activities of 20% in Q2, 2020. 24 US-backed venture capital firms launch their IPOs in Q2, 2020 compared to only 15 in Q1, 2020. However, the mergers and acquisitions sector sees a fall from 155 exits in Q1, 2020 to 120 in Q2, 2020. Read more

In another report, CB Insights highlights the top 250 fintech companies of 2020. On a global level, the nominated fintech companies have raised $49.2B in aggregate funding across 900 deals since 2015. In terms of most well-funded categories, accounting and financing are leading the rankings, followed by asset management and business lending and finance. Moreover, the findings highlight that 32 of the 250 companies (13%) are valued at or above $1B as of their latest funding round. Read more

The “2020 Global customer experience benchmarking report” by NTT explores the importance of customer experience (CX) for banking and investment firms. The findings emphasize the importance of connecting with clients the way they expect, by reaching them on channels they are already engaged with. As key business outcomes, the report recommends that businesses focus on strategy, understanding their customer base, offer personalized experiences, engage through omnichannel, automate intelligence, and optimize the performance. Read more

In the latest edition of “Payment Methods Report”, The Paypers explores the newest trends when it comes to consumers’ payment methods, such as Account-to-Account payments, the upgrades of e-wallets, super apps - buy now pay later (BNPL), installments solutions. The study also emphasizes the importance of local payment systems, which make up more than 70% of all consumer transactions. Clients are predominantly using methods such as bank transfers, e-wallets, and cash-based payments for domestic transactions. Read more

KPMG’s report, “The Pulse of Fintech H1 2020”, pinpoints the major activities and developments in times of Covid-19. As part of the most important highlights, the study shows the rising importance of APIs during H1 2020, open data, and the blurred lines between fintech, Big Tech, and platform providers. Moreover, a further look at potential regulations is observed, which could enhance crypto investments. Other topics include payments and VC investors, the wealthtech sector moving more digitally, and regtech witnessing a potential increase in investments. Read more

The latest publication from BIS, “Data vs collateral”, explores how the use of big data could provide a lesser need for collateral in solving asymmetric information problems in credit markets. By taking the case of more than 2 million Chinese firms receiving the credit from traditional banks and also from Big Techs such as Ant Group, the paper investigates how different forms of credit correlate with local economic activity, house prices, and firm characteristics. Read more

“The Special Collection on Artificial Intelligence” report from the United Nations and UNICRI highlights the great risks that come with the implementation of new technologies. The study emphasizes different areas where AI system implementations can have both benefits and present risks, such as healthcare, retail, transportation, and financial services. Another key point highlighted by the report is the need for national and international governance frameworks to regulate these new innovations in order to guard human rights and fundamental freedoms. Read more

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