05.24. - 28. Startup Fest Europe!

22 Jan 05.24. - 28. Startup Fest Europe!

Startup Fest Europe is a nation wide festival of events that help startups grow faster by bringing together founders, investors, business leaders and developers around specific themes (or verticals). These week long match making activities are a joint effort of startup hubs in the cities of Amsterdam, Arnhem, Delft, Brainport Eindhoven, Den Haag, Enschede, Leeuwarden, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Wageningen.


In the first half of 2016 The Netherlands holds the presidency of the European Union. Startup Fest Europe is a great way to show the world that the West Coast of Europe is a hot bed for startups and innovation. We will do this with inspirational speakers, mind blowing demos and a great opportunity to make deals, deals and deals.

The regional innovation hubs of the Netherlands will host world class events on specialized topics such as Agri & Food, Fin Tech, High Tech, Water Tech, Energy, Health Tech, Hard Science, Web / Mobile and Smart Cities.

It’s all about helping startups raise money, attract talent and connect with peers, founders, leading scientists, venture capitalists, corporates and policy makers.

Information Overview:
Date: 24th - 28th of May
Location: the Netherlands

[email protected]
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