09.13. Finance 2.0 crypto’16

03 Aug 09.13. Finance 2.0 crypto’16

How cryptofinance changes the world?

The cryptocurrency «Bitcoin» generates a lot of headlines – positive and negative ones. At the conference the long-term capabilities of digital currencies and their impact will be discussed.

Blockchain, the technology behind it, is arguably the most disruptive and the most important discoveries of our age. But is Blockchain ready to go mainstream? How can this technology improve existing processes? What are the most interesting use cases and what are the impacts on other industries?

On September 13, 2016 leading experts are going to talk about these topics at Kunsthaus Zurich.

Please visit the website for more information.

Information Overview:

Date: 13th of September, 2016

Time: 13.00 - 18.00

Location: Kunsthaus

Heimpl. 1, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

Price: Regulator ticket: CHF 375
More tickets rate can be found here.

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