21 Jun 09.27. FinTech course: privacy and financial perspective [in Dutch]
Under the heading ‘FinTech’, there are very fast developments taking place in the area of financial services. Everything labeled “FinTech ‘is hot and developments in FinTech are almost daily in the news. However, it is important to know there are also threats to FinTech initiatives and what is the legal context?
During the course, it includes deals with the supervision of the Financial Markets Authority (AFM), the Netherlands Authority for Personal Data (AP) and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). They will be explained by means of concrete examples on how regulation and FinTech initiatives meets.
The aim of the course is to provide insights into the legal context of supervision FinTech initiatives, so able to recognize his attention to the participants and to seize opportunities
For more information of the event please check the website.
Information Overview:
Date: 27th of September, 2016
Time: 14.00 - 17.00
Location: Amsterdam ( address: TBC)
Price: € 210 excl.
To register, please click here.