12 Holland FinTech Startups Participating at Accenture Innovation Awards


03 Aug 12 Holland FinTech Startups Participating at Accenture Innovation Awards

At this year’s Accenture Innovation Awards, twelve fintech start-ups from the Holland FinTech ‘family’ are participating and are hoping to secure your vote to win awards in their categories. The Accenture Innovation Awards are an annual innovation competition for the most innovative Dutch products, services and concepts.

This year, there are eleven categories. The most relevant categories for fintech start-ups are ‘seamless shopping’, ‘the Internet of me’ and ‘safe & secure society’. The remaining categories include ‘health & wellbeing’, ‘fair food’, ‘easy travel & transport’, ‘perfect cities’, ‘skills to succeed’, ‘clean & affordable energy’, ‘smart industry’ and ‘circular economy’.

You can now vote for the following Holland FinTech members in their respective categories to enable them to reach the final stage of this year’s Innovation Awards. The award ceremony will take place on the 28th October in Utrecht during which an independent jury will carefully select the most innovative Dutch tech start-ups of the year.

B2B Pay

B2B Pay provides payments accounts for B2B exporters to Europe.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



Blocktrail is a bitcoin wallet, a developer platform and a blockexplorer.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



Capayable provides online shoppers with a low-risk pay-on-delivery payment service.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



IkBenFrits provides its users with fast and easy insight into mortgage refinance options.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



Nocks makes web and mobile payments easy and social using blockchain technology.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



Onegini provides a mobile app security platform that integrates security into consumer applications.

Category: The Internet Of Me and Safe & Secure Society

Vote for them HERE



Qafis builds solutions to keep our biometric data safe.

Category: Safe & Secure Society

Vote for them HERE



Sowdan offers a payment service that can transfer money directly and instantly to bank accounts within the Netherlands.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



Spotcap is an online lender for small and medium sized enterprises.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



Surence provides a transparent and easy-to-use retirement savings platform.

Category: The Internet Of Me

Vote for them HERE



Tabster provides an app-based bill-splitting service.

Category: Seamless Shopping

Vote for them HERE



VraagBod provides an online shopping comparison platform.

Category: Seamless Shopping & The Internet Of Me

Vote for them HERE


Please support the Dutch fintech scene and vote for the above start-ups whose services you find the most innovative.

[email protected]