For this week, we have gathered the latest trends and figures in terms of fintech research. We present you with a new software tool to implement for your business and always be on top of your game - Open Banking & PSD2 API Tracker. We further explore the impact startups sector, look at the challengers and priorities for BankingTech, explore the findings on greener cloud services, and showcase DLT implementations for financial services. Happy reading!
The Open Banking and PSD2 API Tracker
The Open Banking and PSD2 API Tracker aims to bring transparency to open banking by tracking banks through their APIs and developer docs. The platform offers a detailed description of +500 banks in their journey to PSD2, and Open Banking compliance. By presenting real-time data in terms of providers, OBUK & PSD2, TPPs, APIs, country classifications and API aggregators, the tool offers a comprehensive ecosystem in which fintechs and banks can connect. Read more
Global impact startups
In a recent report conducted by ImpactCity, Danske Bank and Tech Nation, supported by Progress Tech Transfer Fund, +impact, Impact First Investments, GITA, Exponential View, Ananda Impact Ventures and Planet+, the new launch of the Impact and Innovation database is explored. With startups and scaleups being on the rise, settling new records in terms of investments for 2020, impact fundings in startups is becoming a popular practice. The new trend of impact startups is focused on purpose and profit, tech for good, social impact, and responsible tech. Read more
The rise of a digital economy in Central and Eastern Europe
The “Digital Challengers in the next normal: Central and Eastern Europe on a path to digitally-led growth” report by McKinsey investigates the rapid acceleration of a digital, tech-driven economy in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). With more than 12 million new users of online services appearing in CEE amid Covid-19, the digital economy of the region grew almost twice between January and May 2020 compared to previous years. In addition, the statistics figures report that 3 in 4 people in CEE are now digitally engaged. Read more
BankingTech: Challenges and Priorities for next year
In a report conducted by Torstone and Firebrand Research, “Post-trade operations realities – challenges and priorities for 2021”, the BankTech sector has experienced disruptions caused by Covid-19, mainly in the speed of new technology adoption. With each business being on different levels in the development process, there are certain challenges that they confront altogether: adoption of cloud platforms, automation, and APIs technology used for service integration. Read more
Greener Cloud Services
In a late study launched by the European Commission on greener cloud services and data centres, an overview of the EU Member States energy consumption levels is highlighted. The findings show that by 2030, the energy consumption is expected to rise 3.2% from just 2.7% in 2018. As main solutions provided by the research, there is a growing need for technical and policy options to reduce the consumption rate, such as the Green Public Procurement, a regulation imposing European public authorities to purchase power through environmental friendly sources. Read more
DLT and Capital Markets
In a recent study analysis by CB Insights and Blockdata, a growing trend is observed for the financial industry, currently adopting and implementing distributed ledger technology (DLT) in order to reshape the infrastructure of capital markets. The results show that both startups and incumbents (such as SIX Group, Singapore Stock Exchange, and Deutsche Boerse) are using DLT particularly for facilitating secondary markets for securities, or for the tokenization initiatives, to prove ownership of assets. Read more
FinTech funding in the Nordics
The FinTech industry in the Nordics has seen a spike between 2016 and 2019 in terms of investments, as investors backed innovative startups in the region developing digital solutions for established financial services firms. Total funding grew at a CAGR of 62.5% from $253.2m to over $1bn at the end of last year. Read more
Blockchain Technology Uses
In a recent paper by OECD, “Antitrust and the Trust Machine”, a further explorative look is given to blockchain technology. From a competitive policy point of view, blockchain offers numerous opportunities for businesses. However, from an antitrust law perspective, the technology raises numerous concerns. The findings of the paper explore the nature of blockchain, pricing models, and incorporation with supply chains. Read more
Pension Market Trends
The “Pension Markets in Focus 2020” report by OECD presents a rising trend for the pension insurance field, pension funds and retirement statements, with a new record since 2019. The overall figures exceeded the $50 trillion mark worldwide for the first time at the end of 2019, with $49.2 trillion in the OECD area and $1.7 trillion in other reporting jurisdictions. Read more
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