Booming Startup Ecosystem in the Netherlands


31 Mar Booming Startup Ecosystem in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a relatively small country with a relatively large entrepreneurial impact. As per the 2016 Startup Nation Scoreboard, the Netherlands is ranked No. 1 in overall adoption of Startup Manifesto driven recommendations with 85%. This year in May for one week from 24 – 28 May the Netherlands will be hosting Startup Fest Europe that aims to build the world together and help startups grow faster. More than 28 events will take place in 14 cities spread over 5 days. The opening event will take place in Amsterdam’s former stock exchange, the Beurs van Berlage. Renowned entrepreneurs including Nathan Blecharczyk (Airbnb), Gillian Tans ( and Reshma Sohoni (Seedcamp) have confirmed to give keynotes at the Startup Fest Europe.

Current Highlights of the Startup Fest Europe Week

  • Campus Party will bring together estimated 5000 young geeks and aspiring entrepreneurs who work together for 5 days, 24 hours a day in workshops & challenges and spend the night in special tents. Dirk Ahlborn, CEO of Hyperloop and Dutch icon Bas van Abel, founder & CEO of Fairphone will share their views.
  • At YES!Delft Students E-Forum, Dutch former finance minister Jan-Kees de Jager will share experiences from his days as an entrepreneur.
  • A conference on ‘Our Future Health’ will be take place at Nijmegen. The conference will split into two tracks, a national conference in Nijmegen and a global stream on the internet. The theme of the conference is how to create sustainable health (care) with the help of #patientsincluded innovations and startups.
  • Martijn van der Zee, Suit Supply’s head of marketing will speak at E-Commerce Live!,a quality e-commerce event on how his controversial campaigns have made the company to what it is today.
  • At The Future of High Tech event in Enschede, Chris Anderson will take the stage. Anderson has an impressive track record as a writer and as an entrepreneur. He has founded several successful companies, including DIY Drones, and GeekDad Book Tour.
  • On May 28th, Startup Fest Europe will come to a close in epic fashion during the Startup & Dance event at the stunning Cruise Terminal in Rotterdam

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