Mid 2014, after several months of preparation, Holland FinTech was beginning to take shape. It was becoming clear to a broader audience that venture capital investments in FinTech were surging, and that therefore this was the best time to start convincing the financial industry that change was necessary and inevitable. The opportunity to leverage the surge in FinTech to create better accessible, transparent & understandable financial services was just perfect.
Especially KPMG and payment consultant Innopay supported our initiative from the very beginning as sparring partners and helping to complete the team of founding members with IBM and law firm Van Doorne. These four firms helped shape the company Holland FinTech in its current and laid an important the basis for the members that followed them. Holland FinTech is now still a private firm (Holland FinTech Partners BV) that stands independently for the mission to create a thriving international marketplace for FinTech, to create better financial services for all.
Please contact us if you would like to know more about us or our memberships (here)