Accenture is a global professional services company covering a broad range of activities. Drawing its expertise from the fusion of business and technology, the consulting firm has five specialised branches: strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. On the 27th of October, the Accenture Innovation Awards Summit will take place. Amongst other innovative start-ups, fintechs will also present their concepts, in order to support innovation in financial services.
The consulting firm is working at the intersection of business and technology to help its clients improve their performance and create value for their stakeholders. To fulfil this goals, the company employs 425 000 professionals worldwide, of which 3 000 are operating in the Netherlands. Being of a strong technological capacity, one third of those are tech professionals, enabling the firm to deliver a relevant analysis of the tech landscape.
Founded in 1989, the company counts clients in more than 120 countries. In the Netherlands, banks such as Rabobank or ING, insurers such as NN, or telecom firms as KPN are amongst the beneficiaries of Accenture’s expertise.
To keep this high-level capacity, the firm maintains a culture based on innovation and change. Determined to remain a leader of the industry, the consulting firm is constantly working to be a knowledge centre in terms of digital innovation, cloud and security, in order to deliver first-class services to its clients.
In this optic, given the current evolving state of the financial landscape, Accenture wishes to work in tight collaboration with key players in the fintech ecosystem - from corporates to start-ups. The firm considers these last to be a key in the shaping of the future financial structures. To facilitate their impact, the company helps these start-ups via different Accenture incubation programs, dedicated to fintech start-ups in New York, Dublin, London and Dubaï.
The position of the firm on the matter of competition in financial services is rather progressive. Given its status of digital tech leader, the company aims at helping every actor in the field. According to Irine Gaasbeek, Managing Director Financial Services Netherlands, “Accenture wants to play a role in helping financial institutions through disruption and transformation shaking the world we are currently in.” For the consulting firm, collaboration between the diverse parties is thereby the key to improve financial markets.
According to Accenture, the membership of Holland FinTech is interesting for them in two ways. It provides the firm with the opportunity to better know the fintech community, and on the other way around, Accenture can help delivering the innovation that they encounter internationally to our community.
On the 27th of October, the yearly Accenture Innovation Awards Summit will take place. Amongst the eleven categories in different innovations, Financial Services Reinvented will make 5 fintechs compete to win the award and benefit from Accenture and its sponsors’ support. The ones that made it to the final are: Gavin, Kandoor, Ockto,and Nx’change as well as Holland FinTech member Otly!.
If you wish to learn more about this event, please contact Gijs Bouwmeister at [email protected].]>