Last week, Achmea Bank announced that it implemented a new wealth management platform as their new system for the administration of savings products and payments. The platform is called EuroPort+. Through the platform, Achmea Bank can improve customer service levels as well as structurally reduce costs. The company behind the EuroPort+ platform is wealth management software specialist Able.
Only 8 months ago, Achmea Bank and Able signed an agreement to implement the EuroPort+ platform. During the weekend of January the 20th Achmea Bank’s clientele base was migrated to Able’s platform. This way, Achmea Bank has gained access to an online and scalable solution that facilitates savings products, including the corresponding payment traffic. The go-live makes Able the first company in the Netherlands to offer online savings services to banks. Additionally, Able’s product also provides extensive functionalities created for investing as well as for the combination of saving and investing.
EuroPort+ is equipped with a large number of stateless web services, which provide consumers with access to their banking services through multiple devices. Thus, Able removes two main cost drivers of banks, enables compliance with laws and regulations and takes responsibility for continuously updating the underlying technology. Able’s product is available for banks located in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Achmea Bank
Achmea Bank is the banking division of Insurance company Achmea. The bank provides mortgage loans and savings to private customers in the Netherlands. The Bank operates under the brands Centraal Beheer and Woonfonds.
Able, formerly known as Syntel, is a specialist in wealth management software. The company is a fintech partner of retail banks, private banks and bank-insurance companies across the Netherlands. Able’s solutions empower wealth managers to perform more efficiently.