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Blue Tulip Awards


After taking the new circumstances to heart, the Blue Tulip Awards program changed to a 3-month, digital-first, purpose-driven competition. With Generation 2 coming to close, we are celebrating two promising innovations: SkillLab and MEZT. These innovations have been crowned Winners in the Education & Employment and Food & Water themes, and we are proud of how far they have come. Now, we would like to invite the next generation of innovators [Generation 3] to deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity.

Starting today, we will look for 50 innovative start-ups in the following themes that are fully based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Finance & Prosperity, Climate & Energy, and Industry & Infrastructure.

So if you’re transforming the Climate & Energy field, building a revolutionary business around Finance & Prosperity or challenging traditional approaches to Industry & Infrastructure, we’d love to invite you on our program.

Joining the Blue Tulip Awards and securing a spot means connecting with fellow innovators, potentially building powerful collaborations, and maybe even winning the Blue Tulip Awards in one of the themes. The winners will receive a winner value package shaped with our partners, that includes help accessing business expertise, capital, new markets, valuable network, and publicity.


Innovations can register for Blue Tulip Awards Generation 3 here. Registrations for Generation 3 will be open until April 11. We’d love to welcome to our program!

Read the original article here. Find out more about the Blue Tulip Awards here.

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