Jeroen de Bel

Innopay on open banking and how to master it

Innopay, the management consulting company headquartered in Amsterdam, has recently published an article assessing four core API Developer Portal capabilities of more than 50 banks, and identifying five strategic actions that banks can undertake to execute their Open Banking strategy. The authors’ attention is focused on specific assets of the Open Banking strategy, that being, the functional richness of APIs offered, and to what extend third parties can get in touch with those APIs smoothly and flawlessly.
Beginning with introducing how Open Banking is gaining traction, the article further presents what API catalogues and API documentations are. Building on these, the article elaborates on developer usability, various approaches to the term, and its relation to APIs. The article further engages the reader with developer community, including different stages of developer community sophistication. Finally, the article advises five actions to execute on Open Banking strategy.
Access to the full article here.

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